Open online courses

What MOOC stands for? Massive Open Online courses. And during last few years this movement is massive. Many universities and educational institution all around the world offer open online courses. Not surprisingly, quality of these courses does vary  – both in relation to the content and to the way how it is presented. Recommended sites with long lists of online courses include:
and more

But there are now several online platforms which offer creation of online courses even for people who do not know much about the techie stuff … One just need to know what the course shall be about! Really? No, not, one thing is what technology does allow, but a different thing is the design of instruction that facilitates the learning process. And the second one is still very much depending on the human brain, imagination and innovation.
But I wanted to provide here are few tips on platforms that can help with the technical part of an online course design – some of them for free, some of them for a fee. I was attracted by UDEMY –, which is free for instructors. is a platform or marketplace for online learning. Unlike academic MOOC programs driven by traditional collegiate coursework, Udemy provides a platform for experts of any kind to create courses which can be offered to the public, either at no charge or for a tuition fee.[1] Udemy provides tools that enable users to create a course,
promote it and earn money from student tuition charges.

Another one to mention (although its bit more techie) is Course-Builder from Google:

and then I found quite a good overview of other existing options to create and sell online courses:

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